Small Update

The Covid-19 virus has turned things upside down for us too. With this small update, we would like to point out some of the current projects and submit a small interim report, which is due to us:

1. We have partially revised our portfolio for iOS and Android. We will complete that in the coming weeks. This is particularly interesting for parents who are looking for educational games for their children. Looking for games which do not use analytics tools and do not collect data! Get our new container apps here:



2. We will start with a completely new game project in a few weeks. Unfortunately, it is still too early to talk about it now, because we cannot reveal any details yet. If you want to know more about it, follow us on Twitter or follow Chris on Twitter, Instagram, or visit the blog here regularly.

3. We are working on two super cool comic projects. They are currently in the works. Again, there is more information to be seen here on our Twitter Chris’s Twitter or Instagram at a suitable time.

Our tower defense game COLOR DEFENSE (iOS and Android) was discussed on You can find the link here:

Stay healthy!

Your McPeppergames team